Education 2030

Following the Programme “Education for All” that was initiated in 1990 and reaffirmed in 2000, UNESCO launched a new Programme entitled ''Education 2030'', in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals that weren’t reached before 2015. After discussions with international education stakeholders on the importance and the future of education beyond 2015, UNESCO presented its vision on the post-2015 education agenda. The programme's overarching goal is to “ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030”. This goal includes seven main targets: 1) free primary and secondary education; 2) equal access to quality pre-primary education; 3) affordable technical, vocational and higher education; 4) increased number of people with relevant skills for financial success; 5) elimination of all discrimination in education; 6) universal literacy and numeracy; 7) and education for sustainable development and global citizenship.  


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