UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet)

UNESCO ASPnet was established in 1953, with the aim to encourage contact among youth in member states of the Organisation and to enhance cooperation between students and teachers, in order to contribute in the effective implementation of UNESCO’s vision. This global network comprises of more than 10 000 educational institutions in 181 countries today.  Within its framework for quality education for all, UNESCO publishes an annual collection of ASPnet Good Practices, thus contributing in the exchange of information and the promotion of schools from all over the world.

Cyprus has been participating in the network since 1969-1970. The network today comprises of public and private schools, which organize conferences, prepare projects and participate in events organized by ASPnet schools abroad.

The Secretariat of the UNESCO Network of Associated Schools in Cyprus is under the Department of Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. Currently, the National Coordinator is Dr Katerina Vladimirou.


Procedure to join the ASPnet Network in Cyprus:

1. Letter of interest to the National Coordinator (signed by the Director of the school).

2. Approval by the National Coordinator – the school joins the network as an observer.

3. Submission of a report regarding school’s activities by the end of the school year (in relation to the UNESCO aims and the annual theme of ASPnet Network in Cyprus).

4. Approval by the National Coordinator – the school is authorized to submit an official application to the Global UNESCO ASPnet Network.


Contact information:

National Coordinator of UNESCO Network of Associated Schools Cyprus

Dr Katerina Vladimirou, Inspector of English

Department of Secondary Education
Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth

Tel.: + 357 22809541 / 22809810

Email: kvladimirou@schools.ac.cy


More information:


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